\( \newcommand{\N}{\mathbb{N}} \newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\C}{\mathbb{C}} \newcommand{\Q}{\mathbb{Q}} \newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}} \newcommand{\P}{\mathcal P} \newcommand{\B}{\mathcal B} \newcommand{\F}{\mathbb{F}} \newcommand{\E}{\mathcal E} \newcommand{\brac}[1]{\left(#1\right)} \newcommand{\abs}[1]{\left|#1\right|} \newcommand{\matrixx}[1]{\begin{bmatrix}#1\end {bmatrix}} \newcommand{\vmatrixx}[1]{\begin{vmatrix} #1\end{vmatrix}} \newcommand{\lims}{\mathop{\overline{\lim}}} \newcommand{\limi}{\mathop{\underline{\lim}}} \newcommand{\limn}{\lim_{n\to\infty}} \newcommand{\limsn}{\lims_{n\to\infty}} \newcommand{\limin}{\limi_{n\to\infty}} \newcommand{\nul}{\mathop{\mathrm{Nul}}} \newcommand{\col}{\mathop{\mathrm{Col}}} \newcommand{\rank}{\mathop{\mathrm{Rank}}} \newcommand{\dis}{\displaystyle} \newcommand{\spann}{\mathop{\mathrm{span}}} \newcommand{\range}{\mathop{\mathrm{range}}} \newcommand{\inner}[1]{\langle #1 \rangle} \newcommand{\innerr}[1]{\left\langle #1 \right \rangle} \newcommand{\ol}[1]{\overline{#1}} \newcommand{\toto}{\rightrightarrows} \newcommand{\upto}{\nearrow} \newcommand{\downto}{\searrow} \newcommand{\qed}{\quad \blacksquare} \newcommand{\tr}{\mathop{\mathrm{tr}}} \newcommand{\bm}{\boldsymbol} \newcommand{\cupp}{\bigcup} \newcommand{\capp}{\bigcap} \newcommand{\sqcupp}{\bigsqcup} \newcommand{\re}{\mathop{\mathrm{Re}}} \newcommand{\im}{\mathop{\mathrm{Im}}} \newcommand{\comma}{\text{,}} \newcommand{\foot}{\text{。}} \)

Monday, February 17, 2020


SSH into our ubuntu device and do the following. The commands are subject to changes, we should use all latest relevant commands from certbot's website.
$ sudo apt update
$ clear
$ sudo apt install apache2
$ cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/
$ clear
$ ls
$ sudo vi ridiculous-inc.com.conf
$ cd /var/www
$ sudo git clone https://github.com/ridiculous-ijquery-todo.git ridic
$ sudo a2ensite ridiculous-inc.com.conf 
$ sudo service apache2 restart
$ sudo apt-get update
$ clear
$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
$ clear
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python-certbot-apache 
$ clear
$ sudo certbot --apache
$ history
<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/ridic
    ServerName ridiculous-inc.com
    <Directory "/var/www/ridic">
        allow from all
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        Options +Indexes
To redirect request to port 80 to other internal port we use the following setting of virtualhost:
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName api.screencapdictionary.com
    <Location "/">
        ProxyPreserveHost On
        ProxyPass http://localhost:5000/
        ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:5000/

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Git command that I should know


git config --global --edit
This will open the .gitconfig file by our default editor. Make changes, save, and close the editor, changes will take place. To view the changes:
git config --global --list


List out all branches:
git branch -a
Create new branch:
git branch mynewbranch
switch to new branch:
git checkout mynewbranch
Rename a branch (-m for move, as in mv in bash command):
 git branch -m mynewbranch newbranch
Delete a branch:
 git branch -d newbranch

Specific branch

git clone a specific branch instead of all the branches and checkout specific one. For example, in my private repo I want to clone the "forth-branch" only, then write:
git clone --single-branch --branch forth-branch https://github.com/machingclee/2020-English-Learning-Website.git
without --single-branch the above will fetch all branches and checkout the forth-branch.

P4Merge Configuration

git config --global merge.tool p4merge
git config --global mergetool.p4merge.path "C:/Program Files/Perforce/p4merge.exe"
git config --global mergetool.prompt false
git config --global diff.tool p4merge
git config --global difftool.p4merge.path "C:/Program Files/Perforce/p4merge.exe"
git config --global difftool.prompt false
and git config --global --list to double check the configuration:
core.editor="C:\Users\Ching-Cheong Lee\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe" --wait
user.name=James Lee
mergetool.p4merge.path=C:/Program Files/Perforce/p4merge.exe
difftool.p4merge.path=C:/Program Files/Perforce/p4merge.exe

moving WPF from .net framework to .net core.

It is just a simple function that takes users to a route by using his/her default browser. The migration is fine except ......

the adjustment: