Tuesday, June 23, 2020
State Pattern
Trying to refactor my old project by using design pattern. It really becomes simple to implement new functionality now! What I need to do is just to create additional state. And my code get less coupled! My class mainVM know nothing about my translation service now!
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Bash Script
for f in *\ *; do mv "$f" "${f// /_}"; doneThis change all spaces in file name by a "_".
Monday, June 15, 2020
Use Sequelize Migration with ES6 Syntax
yarn add sequelize-cli
it is clear from the --help command how to generate a migration folder and migration file. The only trouble is to use them with ES6 syntax.
From the official document: add
yarn add babel-registerand add a .sequelizerc runtime config with
// .sequelizerc require("babel-register"); const path = require('path'); module.exports = { 'config': path.resolve('config', 'config.json'), 'models-path': path.resolve('models'), 'seeders-path': path.resolve('seeders'), 'migrations-path': path.resolve('migrations') }We can copy the implementation of altering, creating, deleting table from official documentation: document also says that in migration file we can export async function up and async function down instead of returning a chain of promises (i.e., a promise)! For example it happens that I want to add a column for users to implement mobile push notification, then I need to add a column called push_notification_token, I can do the following in our migration file:
"use strict"; import { modelNames } from "../src/enums/modelNames"; import { Sequelize, DataTypes } from "sequelize"; module.exports = { async up(queryInterface, Sequelize) { await queryInterface.addColumn(modelNames.USER + "s", "push_notification_token", { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: true }); }, async down(queryInterface, Sequelize) { await queryInterface.removeColumn( modelNames.USER + "s", "push_notification_token", {} ); } };Now if you run the code, we encounter the following error
Loaded configuration file "config\config.js". Using environment "development". == 20200615141047-add-push-notification-token-to-users-table: migrating ======= ERROR: regeneratorRuntime is not definedso we need the transform runtime plugin by babel,
yarn add babel-plugin-transform-runtimeand in our .babelrc add:
{ "presets": ["env"], "plugins": [ ["transform-runtime", { "regenerator": true }] ] }and we are done!
Sunday, June 14, 2020
SQL injection 及 prepared statement already exists
雖然知道 sql injection 成功後果很嚴重,但因為我很少打 raw sql,而我知道很多 library (sequelize, knex 等) 都會避免 sql injection 所以沒有特別去深究。
今天突然想起這個問題,而我也在為自己的手機 app 寫一個 backend 及想有一個自己 customize 的 query 結果。翻查 sequelize 的 doc 這件事沒有比寫 raw query 簡單,所以就開始自己寫 raw sequel。嘗試 sql inject 自己一下。發現如果沒有做任何預防操施真的很危險,甚至把我整個 database 毀掉:
所以開始學習寫 prepare statement:
今天突然想起這個問題,而我也在為自己的手機 app 寫一個 backend 及想有一個自己 customize 的 query 結果。翻查 sequelize 的 doc 這件事沒有比寫 raw query 簡單,所以就開始自己寫 raw sequel。嘗試 sql inject 自己一下。發現如果沒有做任何預防操施真的很危險,甚至把我整個 database 毀掉:
所以開始學習寫 prepare statement:
PREPARE get_notes (int) AS SELECT v."id", v."word", v."pronounciation", v."explanation", p."dateTime", p."croppedScreenshot" FROM vocabs v INNER JOIN pages p ON v."sqlitePageId"=p."sqliteId" WHERE p."sqliteNoteId"=$1; EXECUTE get_notes(${sqliteNoteId});在 postman get request 了一次,一切都很美好,再 get request 多一次,誒?
error: prepared statement "get_notes" already exists搜尋了一下解決方法,最後只要每一次完成 EXECUTE 後把儲存好的 prepared statement 移除就好,整句變成:
PREPARE get_notes (int) AS SELECT v."id", v."word", v."pronounciation", v."explanation", p."dateTime", p."croppedScreenshot" FROM vocabs v INNER JOIN pages p ON v."sqlitePageId"=p."sqliteId" WHERE p."sqliteNoteId"=$1; EXECUTE get_notes(${sqliteNoteId}); DEALLOCATE get_notes;
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Sequelize API for CRUD operation
module.exports = (app, db) => { app.get( "/posts", (req, res) => (result) => res.json(result) ) ); app.get( "/post/:id", (req, res) => (result) => res.json(result)) );"/post", (req, res) =>{ title: req.body.title, content: req.body.content }).then( (result) => res.json(result) ) ); app.put( "/post/:id", (req, res) =>{ title: req.body.title, content: req.body.content }, { where: { id: } }).then( (result) => res.json(result) ) ); app.delete( "/post/:id", (req, res) =>{ where: { id: } }).then( (result) => res.json(result) ) ); }
Monday, June 1, 2020
Use docker-compose up instead of docker container run -v blablabla for local developement
version: "3.7" services: app: container_name: docker-node-mongo restart: always build: . ports: - "80:3000" volumes: - type: bind source: ./ target: /usr/src/app mongo: container_name: mongo image: mongo ports: - "27017:27017"
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