We start off creating a Game component which is almost the place we position our canvas:
export function Game() { useEffect(() => { const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, parent: "phaser-game", backgroundColor: 0xedf8f9, width: 800, height: 600, physics: { default: "arcade", arcade: { gravity: { y: 0 } } }, scene: [Example1, Example2, Example3, CVScene, TryAgain] }; game = new Phaser.Game(config); function resize() { let canvas = document.querySelector("canvas"); let windowWidth = window.innerWidth; let windowHeight = window.innerHeight; let windowRatio = windowWidth / windowHeight; let gameRatio = game.config.width / game.config.height; let container = document.getElementById("TopBar"); container.style.width = 800 + "px"; if (windowWidth <= 800) { if (windowRatio < gameRatio) { canvas.style.width = windowWidth + "px"; canvas.style.height = windowWidth / gameRatio + "px"; container.style.width = windowWidth + "px"; } else { canvas.style.width = windowHeight * gameRatio + "px"; canvas.style.height = windowHeight + "px"; container.style.width = windowHeight * gameRatio + "px"; } } } resize(); window.addEventListener("resize", resize, false); }); return <div></div>; }We need to enclose our Game component by a div element with id "phaser-game", by doing so our canvas will be built inside there. The resize function make our canvas responsive to the screen width. Also, Example1, Example2, Example3 are different scenes of the form:
import Phaser from "phaser"; export default class Example2 extends Phaser.Scene { constructor() { super({ key: "Example2" }); } create() {} update() {} }Next the following are routine way of creating images, text, sprite, animations, etc:
this.load.spritesheet("door", door, { frameWidth: 270, frameHeight: 306 }); this.add.text(x, y, "text_to_show", { color: "0x00000" }); this.anims.create({ key: "char2", frames: [{ key: "characters", frame: 13 }], frameRate: 10 }); this.door2Graphic = this.add .graphics() .fillStyle(0x00ff00, 0) .fillRect(435, 100, 145, 250); this.tweens.add({ targets: this.CV_container, duration: 500, x: { from: 220, to: -1000 }, ease: "Linear" }); game.scene.resume("Example1");
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